Sixty grains
My Beethoveniana
Several video clips with performances of Beethoven's works, both inspiring for this collection, and simply loved ones. (It was not I who cut it out - I collected it.)
Svyatoslav Richter performs the third movement of Sonata 17 Beethoven.
It was this performance that prompted me to look for the "key" to the poem "Secrets of Spinning" in the performance, not in ... It doesn't matter. What I was not looking for. You've probably already read the commentary on the poem that the search took 27 years.
Actually listening incessantly (in a smartphone during daily "jogging" in a wheelchair) I returned to the search in the fate of the composer and found what I was looking for at the junction many aspects of the search, but I repeat myself.
What is interesting - today, almost ten years later, this performance captured me then - not so close. But this is probably good. This is the genius of music - the constant discovery of new facets, depths, shades. in her and in myself, thanks to her.
Yucia Vaughn and Joshua Bell. Beethoven. Kreutzer Sonata.
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