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about the author

   Mikhail Evgenievich Mazel is a poet, prose writer, photographer, creator of art web projects, vice-president of the Russian Writers' Club of New York. Has been writing since 1987. He began to photograph as a schoolboy, but his professional passion for photography began in the late 90s of the 20th century. He has been creating websites since 1997.

    Born in Moscow on April 7, 1967 in the family of a physicist, developer of semiconductor devices, and an English teacher. He graduated from school 444 and a technical university (MATI). He worked as an engineer at the Delta Research Institute. When (in the early 90s) economic difficulties began, he went (like many) to the private sector and worked in companies that repair and sell computers.
    In 1993, he suddenly stopped walking, and after three operations ended up in a wheelchair (a congenital defect of the spine, discovered at the age of 27). For this reason, in April 1997, he moved with his family to New York, where he currently lives and is engaged in literary work and photography. In 1998, Mikhail joined the oldest (exists since February 1979) Russian-language literary club in New York, and in 2000 he was elected its vice-president. Mikhail's responsibilities include helping with the organization of monthly meetings, mailing news, organizing the Club's website, as well as layout (design) of Almanacs and books of the Club members for publication in the Publishing House of the Club.
    Since 2001, Mikhail has produced more than fifteen  books of poetry (of which eight are "non-repeating" collections) and several  books  prose. Many of them are illustrated with drawings and photographs by Mikhail. Also, since 2004, Mikhail has hosted about ten photo exhibitions (both personal and as part of a group of participants in New York and Jersey City). You can read more about books and photo exhibitions in the corresponding sections of the site.
    Since January 1997, Mikhail has been actively involved in the creation of the Russian-speaking Internet Sector (Runet), and is one of the pioneers of Runet. Since 2000, she has been running her own Intellectual Art Portal "The Ability to Surprise". Until 2002, he supported the very popular (first of its kind) project "Letters-Soap" (created by him on the idea and with the participation of Toviy Baevsky) - a resource for emigrants, which published stories about life in a new place, long before the emergence of blogs and social networks. With the advent of the latter, as well as with a decrease in the flow of emigration, the resource ceased to be relevant and was closed by Mikhail, but is saved as an archive.
    In total, Mikhail's luggage contains more than 50 large and small projects - mainly related to art, literature, and music. Most of the projects are more reminiscent of essays or books: they are one-time in nature and are not updated, since they are made in the form of photo-musical monologues with author's works and poems by Mikhail.
    Also, more than a hundred songs have been written on Mikhail's poems (by different songwriters). You can familiarize yourself with the songs and listen to them in the corresponding section of the site.

    You can read, watch and listen to all of Mikhail's work absolutely free of charge, which he shares without restrictions on this and other sites.
    Despite his disability, Mikhail loves walking around New York, he takes a lot of pictures of this city and knows some of its corners, which are often the objects of his artistic photographs (Mikhail pays a lot of attention to panoramic photographs, including spherical panoramas). On this site you will find some recommendations on what, where and when it is interesting to see in New York, recommended walking routes, with author's photo reports.
    Well, and ... a few words about interests ... Mikhail loves classical music (symphonic, chamber, selectively opera and ballet), author's music (bards) and Russian rock (mostly the work of "The Time Machine"). Mikhail also loves painting, often goes to the Metropolitan Museum, the Frick Museum and MOMA (modern art), preferring painting from Memling to Picasso. As for literary preferences, if you choose one, it is Yuri Levitansky. Of course, all of the above is just a couple of words ... More details about this and many other things can be "talked about" on the pages of projects, blogs and social networks, in person.

    Probably enough for the first acquaintance. All contact information is at your disposal: blogs, contacts on social networks, through this site ... Write, Mikhail is glad to communicate and make new acquaintances.   

© 1997 - 2021 by Mikhail Mazel

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