Selected poems by Mikhail Mazel
Poems that "determined" the names of chronological collections and their "directions"
In truth, I don't really "like" the idea of the "chosen one." These selections are "not the best" and "not favorite" ... Rather, a "guide" for those who are with me for the first time
Нити дорог

Маленький Принц
Маленький Принц
Маленький Принц
Маленький Принц
Selected Poems Titles
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.
В краю невыпавших дождей

Selected Poems Titles
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.
Синий вагон метро

Другой снег
Другой снег
Другой снег
Другой снег
Selected Poems Titles
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.
По запотевшему стеклу

Последний романтик
Последний романтик
Последний романтик
Последний романтик
Selected Poems Titles
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.
Как есть

Словно пони…
Словно пони…
Словно пони…
Словно пони…
Selected Poems Titles
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.
Неслышное дыхание

Дальний берег
Дальний берег
Дальний берег
Дальний берег
Selected Poems Titles
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.
Прогулка по росе

Плюшевый мишка (Про поэта)
Плюшевый мишка (Про поэта)
Плюшевый мишка (Про поэта)
Плюшевый мишка (Про поэта)
Selected Poems Titles
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.
Штрихами по воде наискосок

Просто так…
Просто так…
Просто так…
Просто так…
Selected Poems Titles
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.
Эффект присутствия

Selected Poems Titles
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.
В ожидании птицы Нагай

Алисина ладонь
Алисина ладонь
Алисина ладонь
Алисина ладонь
Selected Poems Titles
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.
Запах полыни. Пора отпусков

Толкая пространства
Толкая пространства
Толкая пространства
Толкая пространства
Selected Poems Titles
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.
Рождение... Попытка перезапуска.

Слушая шепоток
Слушая шепоток
Слушая шепоток
Слушая шепоток
Selected Poems Titles
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.
Сиеста в заповеднике драконов

Selected Poems Titles
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.
Открытие "Б". О природе в...

Selected Poems Titles
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.
Внесение ясности

Место для идей
Место для идей
Место для идей
Место для идей
Selected Poems Titles
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.
Порядок вещей

Третья строфа
Третья строфа
Третья строфа
Третья строфа
Selected Poems Titles
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.
Время покажет?..

Игра с молчанием
Игра с молчанием
Игра с молчанием
Игра с молчанием
Selected Poems Titles
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.
Ветра с окраин

Баллада о нестареющем барашке
Баллада о нестареющем барашке
Баллада о нестареющем барашке
Баллада о нестареющем барашке
Selected Poems Titles
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.
... из Книги Времён

Пора не пьяных слёз
Пора не пьяных слёз
Пора не пьяных слёз
Пора не пьяных слёз
Selected Poems Titles
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.
Не проси... Не спугни... Не навреди...

Очевидное – невероятное
Очевидное – невероятное
Очевидное – невероятное
Очевидное – невероятное
Selected Poems Titles
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.
Промежуточные выводы

Где-то здесь
Где-то здесь
Где-то здесь
Где-то здесь
Selected Poems Titles
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.
Пятая вечность

По обе стороны от ожиданья
По обе стороны от ожиданья
По обе стороны от ожиданья
По обе стороны от ожиданья
Selected Poems Titles
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.
Параллельные ипостаси

Больше чем…
Больше чем…
Больше чем…
Больше чем…
Selected Poems Titles
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.
Размышлительные миражи

Взмах веера или После паденья капли
Взмах веера или После паденья капли
Взмах веера или После паденья к апли
Взмах веера или После паденья капли
Selected Poems Titles
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.
Возвращение к В

Между скобок
Между скобок
Между скобок
Между скобок
Selected Poems Titles
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.
У лавки антиквара

По улице в минуте от заката
По улице в минуте от заката
По улице в минуте от заката
По улице в минуте от заката
Selected Poems Titles
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.
Here are 100 poems: four from each "chronological" collection. NB : Clicking on the title synchronously "changes" all the poems (1-2-3-4 lines) in each of the 25 collections, respectively. 1st line: poems that determined the titles of collections. The rest are related.