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Last updated: June 2021 of the year. Available 1800+ poems. (20 collections of poetry). Search!
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All poems are available for reading and commenting. Sorting by books, titles, first lines and dates of writing works. Searching on one and several lines works the same way.
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The author - Mikhail Mazel expresses his deep gratitude to everyone who is interested in his work and is glad to communicate.
If you came here from the search form, opening the text of the poem in a new window, just close it and continue studying the work of Michael. If you came to this page by the link, then the list of books, poems and search forms for all poems for 34 years is located here: [GO TO THE LIST]
If you came here from the search form, opening the text of the poem in a new window, just close it and continue studying the work of Michael. If you came to this page by the link, then the list of books, poems and search forms for all poems for 34 years is located here: [GO TO THE LIST]
Нити дорог
Когда приходит Эрганет,
встает из-за камней
магический узор планет
тенями древних дней.
И непрерывно клонит в сон
спустившийся туман,
но чей-то отдаленный стон
вновь выдает обман.
Когда приходит Эрганет
и хочется так спать,
прошедших лун тревожный свет
безумствует опять.
И копошатся в глубине
доверчивой души
миры, пришедшие извне
из призрачной глуши.
Когда приходит Эрганет -
предвестница побед,
заря вечерняя влечёт
священный дать обет.
И в чёрном призрачном плаще
является сама
с звездой полярною в праще
ночная дева - тьма.
More about creation background and etc ...
30 авг. 1996 г.
ЭрганетМиша Мазель
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Автор исполнитель песни на мои стихи
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00:00 / 01:04
00:00 / 01:04
© Poems, designed by Mikhail Mazel. Illustrations or author's drawings or author's collages. Collage sources - copyright and from the Internet.
The author will be pleased to "hear" your opinion:
Please indicate in responses numbers or titles poems
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