The tree and the sky in the gaps
The main "culprits" of buying a new camera. Details in the comments to the photo
The whole epic of updating my photo inventory began with this tree. Although... I always wanted to photograph it so that both the richness of the greenery, and the sharpness of the trunk, leaves and grass, and the blue of the sky in the gaps, and the house and the windows of the house in the gaps were worked out and... without hours of cutting in pieces with post-processing and gluing. Although they are, if not hours, then tens of minutes are still there, but they are different...
I understand that the task is not trivial for any most sophisticated camera. It is impossible to embrace the immensity, but...
The problem was in the sharpness of the entire frame, and in this most notorious exposure, and in the exposure of 5-7 frames that make up a vertical panorama (This frame consists of several frames).
And after I took several takes with a new camera and chose the most successful one and put it together, I was not completely satisfied... Something was wrong. Almost all of what I wanted-it turned out much better than the attempts of previous years with previous cameras and yet....
Then I "not lazy" and before gluing panoramas "pulled" the components of frames (I do usually, I specifically checked on raw, but "natural" processing after Assembly"...
Well... After a painstaking selection for bonding and advanced complete their treatment at approximately the same pattern of contrast-brightness-shadows, etc... (took only a few line of frames offset, shot with a large overlap "to be sure" bonding, but not all were needed, but extra footage adds a blur as superimposed on each other "to overlap").
As a result, it seems that my "perfectionist" ego is satisfied.
What do you say?